A-A-50041 - Snap Link, Mountain Piton, Locking And Nonlocking
This commercial item description covers the requirement for locking and nonlocking snap links used in rapelling and erecting fixed rope installation for movement of troops and materials.
A-A-50092 - Binding, Assembly, Ski, Downhill And Cross Country
This document covers ski binding assemblies. The commercial ski binding is for use in both downhill and cross country military skiing.
A-A-50098 - Stopper, Hexagon, Irregular
This commercial item description covers the requirement for irregular hexagon stoppers to be used to provide security for personnel and equipment in operations invoking steep ascents by placing the irregular hexagon stoppers into cracks in rocks. This piton is also known as a Hexentric Nut.
A-A-50106 - Stopper, Wired, Wedged
This commercial item description covers the requirement for wired stoppers to be used to provide security for personnel and equipment in operations invoking steep ascents by placing the wired stoppers into cracks in rocks.
A-A-50111 - Piton, Mountain, Flat
This commercial item description covers the requirements for pitons to be used to provide security for personnel or equipment in operations involving steep ascents by driving the pitons into cracks in rock. The type IV pitons can also be used to remove dirt and vegetation from cracks and to aid in removing wired stoppers from cracks with the hook cut into the piton blade.
A-A-50112 - Piton, Mountain, Angle
This commercial item description covers the requirements for pitons to be used to provide security for personnel or equipment in operations involving steep ascents by driving the pitons into cracks in rock.
A-A-50113 - Piton, Mountain, Ice
This commercial item description covers the requirements for pitons to be used to provide security for personnel or equipment in operations involving steep ascents by screwing the pitons into ice formations. This piton is also known as a Tubular Ice Screw.
A-A-50114 - Piton, Mountain, Knifeblade Offset
This commercial item description covers the requirements for pitons to be used to provide security for personnel or equipment in operations involving steep ascents by driving the pitons into cracks in rock.
A-A-50115 - Piton, Mountain, Cliffhanger
This commercial item description covers the requirements for the cliffhanger pitons to be used to provide direct aid for personnel in operations involving steep ascents by hooking the cliffhanger piton on rock edges and flakes.
A-A-50117 - Crampons, Hinged
This commercial item description covers the requirements for the crampons to be used when walking on ice or ascending and descending steep ice faces to prevent slipping.
A-A-50118 - Straps, Crampons
This commercial item description covers the requirements for the crampon straps, which are intended to keep the crampon firmly affixed to the soldier's footwear.
A-A-50119 - Anchor, Snow, Wired
A-A-50120 - Harness, Climbing, Full-Body
A-A-50121 - Protector, Crampon
A-A-50125 - Descender, Figure-8
A-A-50127 - Ascenders, Cam Action
A-A-50376 - Belt, Military Police (White) (S/S Mil-B-21154 And Mil-F-411)
A-A-50635 - Belt, Web, White; Sword Carrying
A-A-50783 - Sleeping Bag, Arctic Survival, Containerized, Pressure Vacuum Packed
This commercial item description covers a containerized pressure/vacuum packed artic survival sleeping bag.
A-A-52111 - Sun Glasses, Impact Resistant
A-A-52113 - Handcuffs And Leg Irons
A-A-52120 - Spectacles Set, Ballistics Protective
A-A-52195 - Brace, Ankle, Parachutists
This commercial item description describes an ankle brace system used by parachutists.
A-A-55058 - Club, Policeman'S
A-A-55059 - Carrier, Policeman'S Club, With Grommet
The carrier is intended for use by members of the Military Police and is used with a leather belt. This CID covers the requirements for one type of carrier, and one type of rubber grommet for a policeman's club.
A-A-55064 - Lanyard, Individual Equipment Carrying
The lanyards, pistol and whistle, shall be of one type, intended for use as a component of the military police equipment.
A-A-55070 - Bag, Wet Weather Clothing: (Parka And Trousers)
A-A-55074 - Mat, Sleeping, Self-Inflating
This commercial item description covers a self-inflating sleeping mat to insulate from the cold and moisture of bare ground when placed under a sleeping bag, and also to cushion soldiers from obtrusive objects when lying on the ground.
A-A-55077 - Bag, Duffel
This document covers a nylon, duck Camouflage Green 483 (see paragraph 6.4) duffel bag measuring 12-1/2 inches in diameter by 37 inches deep, having one handle one closing strap with snap hook, and shoulder straps. The modified commercial type bag is designed to hold individual clothing and equipage allowance and is intended for use by members of the Department of Defense.
A-A-55080 - Cover, Waterproof, Multipurpose
This document covers one type of waterproof cover.
A-A-55084 - Pocket, Ammunition Magazine
This document covers one type of ammunition pocket made from nylon duck, nylon tape, nylon webbing and miscellaneous ammunition. The pocket is used to carry various types of ammunition. The pocket may be carried suspended from the shoulder or looped from the equipment belt.
A-A-55092 - Bag, Clothing, Waterproof
This document covers a waterproof clothing bag. This item is used as a carrying bag providing waterproof protection for rations, extra clothing, personal effects, and the intermediate cold and extreme cold sleeping bags. It is not constructed to withstand rough use or handling. Should the area of operation or assigned function involve rough handling and waterproofing is required, the waterproof bag should be placed inside a bag of more rugged construction such as the duffel bag to protect the waterproof bag from damage that would result in leakage.
A-A-55105 - Bag, Barracks
This document covers bag, barracks one type and size, with drawstring closure. The barracks is intended for use as a laundry bag to hold the soiled clothing of enlisted men and women.
A-A-55106 - Whistle, Plastic
This document covers a plastic whistle with a cork ball and lanyard. The plastic whistle is intended for use by military personnel performing police, guard, drill instruction, and other duties that require the use of a whistle.
A-A-55114 - Bag, Soiled Clothes
This document covers two types of cotton duck bags for soiled clothes. The type II bag is used as a general all purpose laundry bag for hand-carry in those instances where the conveyor or casters are not indicated. The type III bag is used by the Navy for storing bedding and linens aboard ship and requires the mildew resistant and water repellent treatment.
A-A-55117 - Skis, Military, All Terrain
The skis are intended for use by military personnel in downhill and cross-country tactical operations for mass movement of troops over snow.
A-A-55120 - Lanyard, Individual Equipment Carrying
The pistol lanyard is intended for use by the Military Police of the Department of Defense. Class 1 is used by the Army and Class 2 is used by the Navy and Marine Corps.
A-A-55124 - Creepers, Ice
This Commercial Item Description (CID) covers the requirements for ice creepers which are used to provide individuals with an efficient and practical means of traveling over ice-covered and hard-crusted snow terrain.
A-A-55173 - Belt, Military Police, 1-3/4 Inch Wide, Man'S
This document covers one type of leather waist belt and is designed for use by Military Police.
A-A-55176 - Bag, Laundry, Nylon
This description covers the requirements for one type of laundry bag fabricated from nylon duck material. The bags are intended for use by Naval personnel serving aboard ship for storing bedding. Linens and clothing to be laundered.
A-A-55177 - Suspenders, Individual Equipment Belt, Lc-2
The suspenders are designed for use with the individual equipment belt on which are suspended items of field equipment such as water canteen, ammunition cases, and other items required by the soldier in the field. The suspenders come in one size only and are intended to fit individuals of all size ranges.
A-A-55182 - Cover, Personnel Identification Tag
This commercial item description covers one type and size of plasticized polyvinyl chloride cover sized to fit over the standard personnel identification tag. The finished cover shall be capable of being irreversibly marked with a standard government ball point pen using heavy pressure.
A-A-55191 - Shoulder Strap, Side Arm, Military Police, Leather, Black
This document covers a shoulder strap which is used with a leather belt and is a component of Military Police equipment. Shoulder straps are intended for use by members of the Military Police of the U.S. Army and are designed to support a leather holster which is attached to the base of the strap with a double hook.
A-A-55193 - Holder, Cartridge, Belt, Cal. .38, Leather, Black, 6-Round
The cartridge holder is intended for wear on a leather belt to hold six rounds of 38-caliber ammunition.
A-A-55194 - Protector, Trousers, Pistol Holster
This commercial item description covers the requirements for one type and size trousers protector. The protectors are intended to worn with the leather pistol holster by military police of the Marine Corps and part of the Marine police equipment set.
A-A-55205 - Bag, Personal Effects
This document covers a cotton sheeting cloth bag 7 inches in diameter and 8 inches in depth with a drawstring closure at the top. The bag is used to store delivery mail and personal effects, such as wallet, watch, ring and other valuables pending inventory and return to the next of kin of deceased military personnel.
A-A-55223 - Fastener, Plastic, For Equipage Items
This Commercial Item Description covers the requirements for one type of plastic fastener for equipage items, such as ammunition pouches, tool carriers, and collapsible canteen covers. The fastener is intended only for attachment to materials having a compressed thickness of 0.010 inch minimum and 0.050 maximum.
A-A-55227 - Pocket, Ammunition Magazine, Enlisted Men'S, M-1923
This specification covers a two-compartment pocket, in one type and size, made of camouflage green cotton webbing and designed to accommodate one 7-round magazine for the .45 caliber automatic pistol in each of the two compartments. The pocket is attached to a pistol belt or individual equipment belt by two keepers.
A-A-55228 - Shower Pail, Collapsible, Cotton Duck, 5-Gallon Capacity
This commercial item description covers a 5-gallon capacity collapsible shower pail with metal or plastic showerhead construction. The shower pail is intended for use in tropical combat zones.
A-A-55231 - Case, Handcuffs, Leather, Black
The leather handcuff case herein described has a snap flap and affixes to a waist belt. It is intended for use by military law enforcement personnel, and designed for stowing military issue handcuffs.
A-A-55238 - Case, Field, First Aid Dressing, Leather (Military Police)
The first aid field case is intended for use by members of the Military Police of the U.S. Army and Air Force. The case is a leather pocket enclosure with snap fastener. It is worn on a belt. The case is designed to hold a Dressing, First Aid, Individual Troop, Camouflage (First Aid Packet).
A-A-55245 - Necklace, Personnel, Identification Tag
The necklace is intended to be worn by military personnel to support two personnel identification tags.
A-A-55262 - Sleeping Bag, Modular
This commercial item description covers a modular sleeping bag systems that consists of a patrol sleeping bag, an intermediate cold weather sleeping bag and a compression stuff sack to carry the complete system. This system is constructed to insulate the user in environments ranging from mild weather to extreme cold weather.
A-A-55267 - Strap, Involuntary, Restraint: Handcuffs
This commercial item description covers one type of flexible nylon restraint designed to be secured around the wrists and/or ankles of an apprehended person to restrict physical movement. The patented law enforcement restraint has two loops on a single strap, with two separate locks that can also be "doublelocked" (see Figure 2) to restrict pushing or pulling through the lock. The restraint must be cut off to be removed and is disposable. Each lock has two large teeth on the outside face of the strap itself.
A-A-55269 - Pocket, Ammunition Magazine, Military Police
This commercial item description covers the requirements for a white 9mm ammunition pocket worn by military police and ceremonial personnel.
A-A-55273 - Retainer, Eyewear
This commercial item description covers eyewear retainers intended to be used by all soldiers wearing prescription or non-prescription eyewear during combat, athletic, and garrison activities.
A-A-55279 - Cover, Pistol Holster And Flap, 9Mm
This commercial item description covers the requirements for one type and size holster cover. The cover is intended to be worn over the 9MM pistol holster by military police of the Marine Corps as a part of the Marine police equipment set.
A-A-55287 - Pocket, Ammunition Magazine, 2 Clips, .45 Cal. Automatic Pistol, Leather
This commercial item description covers the requirements for two types of ammunition pockets which are designed to hold two magazines used with the .45 caliber automatic pistol. These ammunition pockets shall be worn with a leather belt. The ammunition pockets shall be used by members of the military police, U.S. Army (type I) and Air Force (type II).
AN6505 - Bag - Aviator S Kit (Use Mil-K-41835)
FF-S-0080 - Screw Cap, Canteen, Chain And Gasket, Assembled
JAN-G-1134 - Goggles, Ski-Mountain
JAN-R-727 - Roll, Bedding, Waterproofed
JAN-S-647 - Sleeping-Bag, Wool
K-B-1378 - Bag, Soiled Clothes, Nylon
This specification covers requirements for rope-closing and self-closing ropeless nylon laundry bags.
K-P-25 - Pail, Canvas, Collapsible
L-B-1283 - Bag, Soiled Clothes (Water Soluble Plastic) (S/S By A-A-1223)
LLL-M-63 - Mailbag, Distributing (Fiberboard)
MIL-A-1717 - Adaptor, Ski (Supersedes 29-107) (No Superseding Document)
MIL-A-44264 - Adapter Kit, M-1 Cap; For Canteen, Water, Insulated
This document covers an adapter kit for modifying the insulated water canteen to accommodate the M-1 canteen cap.
MIL-B-0036076 - Bag, Soiled Clothes, Self-Closing, Ropeless
This specification covers a cotton duck bag.
MIL-B-10034 - Bag, Carrying, Rocket, M-6
MIL-B-10042 - Bag, Ammunition (S/S By A-A-59521)
This specification covers an ammunition bag, in one type and size, fabricated from nylon duck, tape and webbing.
MIL-B-10046 - Bag, Equipment, Parachutist'S, Adjustable, M-1950
MIL-B-10066 - Bag, Carrying, Rocket, M-6, Parachutist'S
MIL-B-10930 - Bag, Signal Equipment, Waterproof
MIL-B-1107 - Belt, Individual Equipment, M-1936
This specification covers an adjustable belt, in one type and size, made of cotton webbing.
MIL-B-11231 - Bag, Water Carrying, 2-Gallon, Canvas
MIL-B-11855 - Bag-Comforter, Sleeping
MIL-B-13842 - Bag, Soiled Clothes (S/S By A-A-55114)
This specification covers three types of cotton duck bags for soiled clothes.
MIL-B-1434 - Bindings, Ski, Cross-Country
MIL-B-1488 - Binding, Ski
MIL-B-1591 - Bag, Canvas, Water And Carrying, 5 Gallons, Complete
MIL-B-1613 - Band, Contraction, Ski
MIL-B-1708 - Belt, Cartridge, Cal. .30, M-1923
MIL-B-1718 - Belt, Military Police, 1-3/4 Inch Wide, Man'S (S/S By A-A-55173)
MIL-B-1723 - Belt, Magazine, Browning Automatic Rifle
MIL-B-1744 - Bag, Canvas, Mail, With Locking Strap
MIL-B-18004 - Belt, Sword
MIL-B-1819 - Bag, Bg-44, With Carrying Strap (Supersedes Jqd 782)
MIL-B-20025 - Bags, Canvas, Field, Women'S, Wn-1
MIL-B-20278 - Bladder, Flotation
This specification covers flotation bladders to provide bouancy for personnel carrying equipment and for various demolition outfits.
MIL-B-20544 - Bucket, Canvas, Folding, 8-Quart
MIL-B-21154 - Belts, Military Police: Cotton Webbing; White
This specification covers the requirements for an adjustable belt made of heavy cotton webbing.
MIL-B-21332 - Bag, Laundry, Nylon (S/S By A-A-55176)
This specification covers the requirements for one type of laundry bag fabricated from nylon duck material.
MIL-B-21880 - Belt, Military Police (White)
MIL-B-2323 - Basin, Canvas, Folding
MIL-B-2378 - Bag, Barracks (S/S By A-A-55105)
This document covers the requirements for one type and size, olive green, cotton sateen barracks bag with drawstring closure.
MIL-B-2883 - Boatswain'S Pipe
This specification covers the requirements for one type of nickel plated brass boatswain's pipe.
MIL-B-29110 - Bag, Laundry, Submarine (S/S By A-A-59524)
MIL-B-3108 - Bag, Clothing, Waterproof (S/S By A-A-55092)
This specification covers a waterproof clothing bag.
MIL-B-36076 - Bag, Soiled Clothes, Self-Closing, Ropeless
MIL-B-3759 - Bag, Personal Effects (S/S By A-A-55205)
This document covers a cotton sheeting cloth bag 7 inches in diameter and 8 inches in depth with a drawstring closure at the top.
MIL-B-37829 - Bag, Personal Effects
This specification covers a cotton duck bag, to contain a patient's personal effects, for use with an adjustable hospital bed.
MIL-B-40042 - Box, Match, Waterproof (S/S By A-A-59525)
This document covers a plastic waterproof matchbox with integrally mounted striking disc.
MIL-B-40158 - Belt, Individual Equipment, M1056
MIL-B-43173 - Bag, Parachutist'S Equipment
MIL-B-43246 - Binding Assembly, Snowshoe (S/S By Mil-B-44374)
This document covers one type and size universal snowshoe binding consisting of a toe strap, and a heel and instep strap.
MIL-B-43504 - Binding, Ski, Military, All-Terrain
MIL-B-43550 - Bag, Water Repellent, Signal Equipment, Bg 102 Validated Jun 1972
MIL-S-19206 - Sword And Scabbard (Noncommissioned Officers)
This specification covers requirements for the sword and scabbard worn by noncomissioned officers.
MIL-S-23273 - Suspenders, Field Pack, M-1941 Usmc
MIL-S-2329 - Sheath, Machete (For 18 Inch Long, 2 1/4 Inch Wide Blade) (S/S By A-A-59526)
MIL-S-2329 - Sheath, Machete (For 18 Inch Long, 2-1/4 Inch Wide Blade)
MIL-S-25948 - Sunglasses, Hgu-4/P (With Case)
This document covers the requirements for sunglasses, designated as HGU-4/P (with case).
MIL-S-28992 - Suspenders, Field Pack, Individual Equipment Belt (M-1967 Usmc) (Use Mil-S-43829)
MIL-S-29594 - Spectacles, Aviator'S, Seven Wavelength Laser Eye Protective
This specification covers the requirements for one type of aviator's spectacles, with carrying case, designated EDU-6/P, which provide protection against seven fixed laser wavelengths and have prescription capability (see 6.2d and 6.21).
MIL-S-3638 - Strap, Shoulder, Pack
MIL-S-38430 - Sleeping Bag-Container, Parachute Bailout Sru-15/P
MIL-S-40022 - Shoulder Strap, Side Arm, Military Police, Leather, Black (S/S By A-A-55191)
MIL-S-40151 - Sword, Cadet, Usma, With Scabbard And Cover
MIL-S-40157 - Strap Assembly, Carrying, Sleeping Bag
MIL-S-40160 - Suspenders, Field Pack, Combat, M-1956
MIL-S-43013 - Sling, Universal, Individual Load Carrying
MIL-S-43190 - Ski, Military, All-Terrain
MIL-S-43272 - Snowshoes: Trail, Magnesium (S/S By Mil-S-44377)
This document covers one type and size of magnesium frame trail snowshoe (see 6.1).
MIL-S-43279 - Sling, Bag And Case Carrying, Communications Equipment
This document covers three types of bag and case carrying slings made from olive drab webbing with miscellaneous metallic hardware.
MIL-S-43306 - Sling, Bag And Case Carrying, St-33
MIL-S-43354 - Strap Assembly, Field Pack Adapter
MIL-S-43485 - Sling, Carrying, Bag And Case, 19 3/4 Inches Long
MIL-S-43489 - Sling, Bag And Case Carrying: St-35
This document covers one type of cotton webbing sling with metal hardware components.
MIL-S-43598 - Strap, Webbing, Waist, Rucksack
MIL-S-43659 - Stopper, Inflating Tube, Pneumatic Mattress
This specification covers the requirements for one type of stopper.
MIL-S-43674 - Shower Pail, Collapsible, Cotton Duck, 5-Gallon Capacity (S/S By A-A-55228)
This specification covers a collapsible shower pail.
MIL-S-43730 - Suspenders, Field Pack, Combat, M-1967
MIL-S-43828 - Strap, Webbing, Cargo Tie Down, Lightweight Pack Frame, M-1972
This document covers the requirements for a strap consisting of nylon webbing, a metal fastener and a metal hook.
MIL-S-43828 - Strap, Webbing, Cargo Tie Down, Lightweight Pack Frame, M-1972
MIL-S-43829 - Suspenders, Individual Equipment Belt, Lc-1 (S/S By A-A-55177)
MIL-S-43829 - Suspenders, Individual Equipment Belt, Lc-1 (S/S By A-A-55177)
MIL-S-43835 - Straps, Pack Frame And Field Pack, Ground Troops
This specification covers waist, shoulder, and chest straps for use by ground troops in attaching and adjusting LC-2 pack frames and field packs.
MIL-S-43880 - Sleeping Bag, Extreme Cold Weather (Down And Polyester Batting
This document covers the requirements for one type and size of sleeping bag for extreme cold conditions.
MIL-S-44016 - Sleeping Bag, Intermediate Cold, Synthetic Filled (S/S By A-A-55116)
MIL-S-44025 - Spectacle, Laser Protective (With Case)
This specification covers the requirements for one type of laser protective spectacles.
MIL-S-44095 - Survival Kit, Individual, Vest Type
This specification covers a survival kit consisting of a vest and a number of survival aids.
MIL-S-44220 - Sleeping Bag, Cold Weather Aircraft Survival Kit (Vacuum Packed)
This specification covers a vacuum packed sleeping bag of one type and size for use in survival kits in aircraft operating in cold climates.
MIL-S-44300 - Ski, Military, All Terrain (S/S By A-A-55117)
MIL-S-44309 - Sleeping Bags, For Sleeping Systems
This specification covers sleeping bags for use as part of the extreme and intermediate cold weather sleeping systems.
MIL-S-44429 - Sleeping Bag System, For Intermediate Cold Weather
This specification covers a complete intermediate cold weather, sleeping bag system consisting of intermediate cold weather sleeping bag, waterproof and moisture vapor permeable sleeping bag cover, and a nylon stuff bag to carry the system.
MIL-S-475 - Sunglasses (With Case) (S/S By A-A-52111)
This specification covers the requirements for one type of sunglasses and case.
MIL-S-6556 - Sleeping Bag, Vented Can Packed
MIL-S-82258 - Swim Fins, Rubber
This specification covers the requirements for swim fins made of gum rubber for wear by military personnel for swimming purposes and for general utility.
MIL-S-830 - Sleeping Bag, M-1949
MIL-S-83057 - Sleeping Bags - Containers, Parachute Bailout Sru-23/P And Sru-24/P
MIL-S-85508 - Spectacles, Aviator'S, Neodymium Laser Protective, Edu-1/P (With Case)
This specification covers the requirements for one type of aviator's neodymium laser protective spectacles, with carrying case, designated EDU-1/P.
MIL-S-8642 - Survival Kit, Individual
This specification covers the requirements for two types of survival kits.
MIL-T-1003 - Thongs, Emergency (Use Kk-L-201)
MIL-T-1477 - Tip, Ski, Emergency Repair
MIL-T-842 - Tag, Identification, Personnel (S/S By A-A-55305)
MIL-W-1053 - Whistle, Ball, Plastic (S/S By A-A-55106)
This specification covers plastic ball whistles for use by Military personnel.
MIL-W-21171 - Whistle, Ball, Brass (Use Mil-W-1053)
MS35811 - Individual Equipment (S/S By Mss 8465-1)
pment, Small Arms, M14A1
This specification covers the requirements for one type of nylon carrying case.
MIL-C-43683 - Carrier, Intrenching Tool, Hand, Folding, Lightweight
MIL-C-43689 - Cover, Water Canteen, 2 Quart, Collapsible (With Pile Lining)
This document covers one type and size of cover, for a collapsible canteen, made of olive green nylon duck and acrylic fiber pile with a cotton webbing sling.
MIL-C-43731 - Carrier, Sleeping Equipment, M-1967
MIL-C-43737 - Case, Maintenance Equipment, Small Arms, M16A1
This specification covers the requirements for the design, materials, and fabrication of a case for carrying maintenance equipment for the M16A1 Rifle.
MIL-C-43742 - Cover, Water Canteen, Lc-2
This specification covers one type and size canteen cover fabricated from nylon cloth, nylon webbing and acrylic pile liner material.
MIL-C-43745 - Case, Field, First Aid Dressing-Unmounted Magnetic Compass, Lc-1 (S/S By A-A-59523)
MIL-C-43761 - Cup, Water Canteen, W/Wire Handle, Corrosion Resisting Steel
This document covers one type and size of corrosion-resisting steel canteen cup with a folding wire handle.
MIL-C-43765 - Case, Small Arms Ammunition, M.1967, (20 Round Mag., M.14 Rifle)
MIL-C-43827 - Case, Small Arms Ammunition, 30-Round Magazine (M-16 Rifle), Lc-1
This specification covers one type and size of ammunition case, fabricated from Olive Green nylon duck, webbing, and tape, with miscellaneous metallic hardware and plastic flap closure.
MIL-C-43830 - Cover, Field Pack, Camouflage, L & C-1
This document covers the material, design and fabrication of a field pack cover.
MIL-C-43830 - Cover, Field Pack, Camouflage, Lc-1
MIL-C-43831 - Carrier, Intrenching Tool, Hand, Folding, Lightweight, Plastic, Lc-1
This document covers one type and size of plastic carrier for the intrenching tool.
MIL-C-43831 - Carrier, Intrenching Tool, Hand, Folding, Lightweight, Plastic, Lc-1
MIL-C-44026 - Case, Laser Protective Spectacles
MIL-C-44082 - Case, Small Arms, Ammunition, 200-Round Magazine
This specification covers one type and size of ammunition case, fabricated from olive green nylon duck, webbing and tape, with miscellaneous hardware.
MIL-C-44083 - Carrier, An/Prc-68 Or An/Prc-68A, Radio Set
This document covers a radio set carrier, fabricated from nylon fabric, webbing and tape.
MIL-C-44216 - Canteen, Water, Collapsible, 5-Quart Capacity
This specification covers a collapsible water canteen having a 5-quart capacity.
MIL-C-44217 - Cap, Water, Collapsible
This specification covers one type and size of canteen cap.
MIL-C-44218 - Carrier And Canteen/Collapsible, 5-Quart Capacity
This document covers the requirements for a collapsible carrier and canteen with a 5-quart capacity.
MIL-C-44219 - Carrier Canteen, Collapsible, 5-Quart Capacity
This document covers the requirements for one type and size of carrier for a 5-quart collapsible canteen.
MIL-C-44307 - Cover, Bivy, Extreme And Intermediate Cold Weather Sleeping Systems
MIL-C-51278 - Cap, Water Canteen, Field, 1 Quart And 2 Quart Canteens
This document covers a plastic canteen water cap for the 1 quart and 2 quart field drinking water canteens.
MIL-C-689 - Canteen, Water, Aluminum, M-1910 (Use Mil-C-43103)
MIL-C-707 - Case, Sleeping Bag, M-1945, Water Repellent
MIL-C-88 - Cup, Water Canteen, Corrosion Resisting Steel (S/S By Mil-C-43761)
MIL-DTL-28921 - Sword And Scabbard - (Officer'S) With Case
This specification covers requirements for the sword and scabbard worn by officers.
MIL-B-43587 - Bag, Chemical Protective Clothing Outfit
This document covers four types of polyethylene bags for enclosing of chemical protective clothing.
MIL-B-43687 - Bag, Waterproof, Signal Equipment, Cw-929/Grc
MIL-B-43723 - Belt, Individual Equipment, M-1967
MIL-B-43826 - Belt, Individual, Equipment
This specification covers one type of adjustable individual equipment belt made from olive drab nylon webbing, plastic and miscellaneous metallic hardware.
MIL-B-43965 - Bag, Wet Weather Clothing: (Parks And Trousers) (S/S By A-A-55070)
MIL-B-44168 - Bag, Carrying, Protective Ensemble, Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (Nbc)
This document covers requirements for the carrying bag (NBC) fabricated from camouflage nylon duck, webbing and tape, with miscellaneous hardware.
MIL-B-44306 - Bag, Stuff, Sleeping System
This specification covers one type of nylon stuff bag used to pack and carry the components of the extreme or intermediate cold weather sleeping systems.
MIL-B-44332 - Bag, Carrying, Protective Suit, Explosive Ordinance Device (Eod)
This document covers a carrying/storage bag fabricated from Olive Green 106 nylon duck and Olive Drab 7 nylon webbing with a slide fastener closure.
MIL-B-82100 - Belt, Cartridge, For M-14 Rifle, M-1961 (S/S By Mil-B-40158)
MIL-B-829 - Bag, Duffel (S/S By A-A-55077)
MIL-B-83475 - Belt, Security Police, 2 1/4 Inch Wide
MIL-B-8571 - Bag, Storage, Drinking Water
This specification covers plastic bags for the storage of drinking water.
MIL-B-87258 - Bag, Sleeping, Arctic Survival, Pressure/Vacuum Packed
This specification covers the requirements for a mummy shaped, arctic survival sleeping bag used in cold weather aircraft survival kits. The pressure/ vacuum packed sleeping bags are available in one size, 12x12x1-1/2 inches with a +1/8 inch tolerance.
MIL-B-8743 - Bladder, Pneumatic, B-5 Life Preserver
MIL-C-1002 - Case, Field, First Aid Dressing, Leather (Military Police) (S/S By A-A-55238)
This document covers one type of leather first aid case.
MIL-C-1052 - Cap, Water Canteen, Chain And Gasket, Assembled
MIL-C-10922 - Case, Parachutists, Individual Weapons M-1950, Adjustable
This document covers one type and size of padded adjustable individual weapons case, fabricated from olive drab cotton duck and webbing, with a slide fastener flap closure. The case is equipped with a snap link, V-ring and quick release snap hook for attachment to the T-10 parachute harness worn by the parachutist.
MIL-C-10992 - Carrier, Axe, Intrenching, M1910
MIL-C-1412 - Carrier, 5-Gallon Can, Pack
MIL-C-1432 - Crampons, Mountain (S/S By Mil-C-43421)
MIL-C-14635 - Cover, Personnel Identification Tag (S/S By A-A-55182)
This specification covers one type and size of plastic (plasticized polyvinyl chloride) cover sized to fit over the standard personnel identification tag. The cover can be irreversibly marked with the individual's spectacle prescription.
MIL-C-1476 - Creepers, Ice (S/S By A-A-55124)
This document covers adjustable ice creepers.
MIL-C-1520 - Carrier, Intrenching Tool, M-1943 (S/S By Mil-C-40161)
MIL-C-1574 - Carrier, Grenade, 3-Pocket
MIL-C-1583 - Cover, Canvas, Breech-And-Trigger, Carbine-Or-Rifle
MIL-C-1662 - Chain, Spur
MIL-C-1690 - Case, Shotgun, Ammunition, Cotton Duck (S/S By A-A-59522)
MIL-C-1725 - Cover, Water Canteen
MIL-C-17774 - Cove, Bayonet Scabbard, Cotton Duck, White (With Leather Tip)
This specification covers a bayonet scabbard cover fabricated of white cotton duck with a black leather tip.
MIL-C-17841 - Carrier, Club, Policeman'S, Cotton Webbing White
This specification covers requirements for one type and size policeman's club carrier made of white cotton webbing.
MIL-C-17864 - Carrier, Pistol Holster, Cotton, Duck, White (Mp)
This specification covers requirements for one type and size pistol holster carrier made of white cotton duck.
MIL-C-1933 - Carrier, Policeman'S Club, And Grommet (S/S By A-A-55059)
This specification covers the requirements for one type of carrier, and one type of rubber retaining grommet for a policeman's club.
MIL-C-1960 - Case, Shotgun Ammunition Cotton Duck, O.D., 12 Compartment
MIL-C-19734 - Carrier: Sword Scabbard (S/S By A-A-59518)
This specification covers requirements for a white leather sword carrier and a black leather sword carrier.
MIL-C-1976 - Cell, Pad, Insulating, Sleeping (Inflatable Type)
MIL-C-1997 - Cover, Waterproof, Multi Purpose (S/S By A-A-55080)
This document covers one type of waterproof cover.
MIL-C-20006 - Clothes, Stop
MIL-C-20267 - Carrier, Club Policeman'S, Cotton Webbing, Olive Drab W/Double Hooks
This specification covers requirements for one type and size policeman's club carrier made of olive drab cotton webbing.
MIL-C-22699 - Case, Carrying, Inspection Equipment, Cotton Duck
This specification covers a canvas case of one size and type for either shoulder or hand carrying, and designed to hold equipment necessary to Coast Guard boarding officers.
MIL-C-23157 - Clipboard, Pilot'S, Mxu-163/P, And Mark 2A
This specification covers design requirements and all performance requirements for the procurement of lighted and unlighted pilot clipboards.
MIL-C-2370 - Case, Field, First Aid Dressing-Unmounted Magnetic Compass, M1942 (Use Mil-C-40166)
MIL-C-28981 - Case, Small Arms Ammunition, 30 Round Magazine M-16 Rifle
MIL-C-3762 - Glasses, Sun, Clip-On Type, W-Chase
MIL-C-3789 - Pocket, Ammunition Magazine (Caliber .30, M-1, Carbine Or Rifle)
MIL-C-3880 - Club, Policeman'S (S/S By A-A-55058)
This specification covers one type of policeman's wood club with leather thong.
MIL-C-40121 - Case, Handcuffs, Leather, Black (S/S By A-A-55231)
MIL-C-40124 - Canteen, Water, Insulated, Corrosion-Resisting Steel, Without Cup And Cover (S/S By Mil-C-44348)
MIL-C-40126 - Cup, Water Canteen (For Insulated Canteen)
MIL-C-40131 - Cover, Water Canteen, Insulated, Cotton Duck
This document covers one type and size of canteen cover fabricated of Olive Drab cotton duck, tape, and webbing and attached hardware.
MIL-C-40159 - Case, Small Arms Ammunition
MIL-C-40161 - Carrier, Intrenching Tool, M-1956
MIL-C-40162 - Cover, Water Canteen, M-1956
MIL-C-40166 - Case, Field First Aid Dressing-Unmounted Magnetic Compass, M-1956
MIL-C-41823 - Cover, Rucksack, Camouflage
MIL-C-41824 - Climbers, Ski, Snow And Ice Traversing Equipment (Site)
This specification covers one type and size of nylon ski climber.
MIL-C-43087 - Cross Straps And Sleevelets, Traffic Control (Use Mil-S-43753)
MIL-C-43103 - Canteen, Water, Plastic, With Screw Cap
MIL-C-43129 - Canteen, Collapsible, 2 Quart Capacity (Plastic Film Bladder)
MIL-C-43130 - Cover, Canteen, Collapsible, Two And Quart Capacity
MIL-C-43394 - Case, Carrying, Bipod, Xm3
MIL-C-43421 - Crampons, Mountain
MIL-C-43534 - Case, Battery Coolant Unit (Stinger)(S/S By Mil-C-47301)
MIL-C-43603 - Canteen, Water, Collapsible, 2 Quart Capacity
This specification covers a 2 quart capacity collapsible, plastic water canteen with or without a cover.
MIL-C-43622 - Case, Small Arms Ammunition (Nylon), 30 Round Magazine (M16 And M16E1 Rifle)
MIL-C-43681 - Case, Maintenance Equipment, Small Arms, M14A1
This specification covers the requirements for one type of nylon carrying case.
MIL-C-43683 - Carrier, Intrenching Tool, Hand, Folding, Lightweight
MIL-C-43689 - Cover, Water Canteen, 2 Quart, Collapsible (With Pile Lining)
This document covers one type and size of cover, for a collapsible canteen, made of olive green nylon duck and acrylic fiber pile with a cotton webbing sling.
MIL-C-43731 - Carrier, Sleeping Equipment, M-1967
MIL-C-43737 - Case, Maintenance Equipment, Small Arms, M16A1
This specification covers the requirements for the design, materials, and fabrication of a case for carrying maintenance equipment for the M16A1 Rifle.
MIL-C-43742 - Cover, Water Canteen, Lc-2
This specification covers one type and size canteen cover fabricated from nylon cloth, nylon webbing and acrylic pile liner material.
MIL-C-43745 - Case, Field, First Aid Dressing-Unmounted Magnetic Compass, Lc-1 (S/S By A-A-59523)
MIL-C-43761 - Cup, Water Canteen, W/Wire Handle, Corrosion Resisting Steel
This document covers one type and size of corrosion-resisting steel canteen cup with a folding wire handle.
MIL-C-43765 - Case, Small Arms Ammunition, M.1967, (20 Round Mag., M.14 Rifle)
MIL-C-43827 - Case, Small Arms Ammunition, 30-Round Magazine (M-16 Rifle), Lc-1
This specification covers one type and size of ammunition case, fabricated from Olive Green nylon duck, webbing, and tape, with miscellaneous metallic hardware and plastic flap closure.
MIL-C-43830 - Cover, Field Pack, Camouflage, L & C-1
This document covers the material, design and fabrication of a field pack cover.
MIL-C-43830 - Cover, Field Pack, Camouflage, Lc-1
MIL-C-43831 - Carrier, Intrenching Tool, Hand, Folding, Lightweight, Plastic, Lc-1
This document covers one type and size of plastic carrier for the intrenching tool.
MIL-C-43831 - Carrier, Intrenching Tool, Hand, Folding, Lightweight, Plastic, Lc-1
MIL-C-44026 - Case, Laser Protective Spectacles
MIL-C-44082 - Case, Small Arms, Ammunition, 200-Round Magazine
This specification covers one type and size of ammunition case, fabricated from olive green nylon duck, webbing and tape, with miscellaneous hardware.
MIL-C-44083 - Carrier, An/Prc-68 Or An/Prc-68A, Radio Set
This document covers a radio set carrier, fabricated from nylon fabric, webbing and tape.
MIL-C-44216 - Canteen, Water, Collapsible, 5-Quart Capacity
This specification covers a collapsible water canteen having a 5-quart capacity.
MIL-C-44217 - Cap, Water, Collapsible
This specification covers one type and size of canteen cap.
MIL-C-44218 - Carrier And Canteen/Collapsible, 5-Quart Capacity
This document covers the requirements for a collapsible carrier and canteen with a 5-quart capacity.
MIL-C-44219 - Carrier Canteen, Collapsible, 5-Quart Capacity
This document covers the requirements for one type and size of carrier for a 5-quart collapsible canteen.
MIL-C-44307 - Cover, Bivy, Extreme And Intermediate Cold Weather Sleeping Systems
MIL-C-51278 - Cap, Water Canteen, Field, 1 Quart And 2 Quart Canteens
This document covers a plastic canteen water cap for the 1 quart and 2 quart field drinking water canteens.
MIL-C-689 - Canteen, Water, Aluminum, M-1910 (Use Mil-C-43103)
MIL-C-707 - Case, Sleeping Bag, M-1945, Water Repellent
MIL-C-88 - Cup, Water Canteen, Corrosion Resisting Steel (S/S By Mil-C-43761)
MIL-DTL-28921 - Sword And Scabbard - (Officer'S) With Case
This specification covers requirements for the sword and scabbard worn by officers.
MIL-DTL-28933 - Sling, Sword, Shoulder - Nylon Webbing, White
This specification covers requirements for one type white nylon sword sling.
MIL-F-28970 - Field Pack, Canvas, Combat, Nylon (M-1976-Usmc) (S/S By Mil-F-43833)
MIL-F-3392 - Field Pack, Canvas, Olive Drab (Use Mil-F-40165)
MIL-F-40165 - Field Pack, Canvas, Combat, M-1961
This specification covers one type and size field pack fabricated from olive drab cotton duck and webbing.
MIL-F-411 - Fasteners, Belt; Clips, End Strap, With Hook; And Keepers, Slide (S/S By A-A-59357)
This specification covers belt fasteners, strap end clip with hook, and slide keepers.
MIL-F-43356 - Frame, Rucksack, Riveted, And Self, Cargo Support, Lightweight (S/S By Mil-F-43834)
MIL-F-43514 - Fastener, Plastic, For Equipage Items (S/S By A-A-55223)
This document covers the requirements for one type of plastic fastener for equipage items. The fastener consists of four separate molded parts: a latch, a latch receptacle, a locking clip for attaching the latch, and a locking clip for attaching the latch receptacle.
MIL-F-43673 - Frame, Rucksack, Steel
MIL-F-43733 - Field Pack, Combat, M-1967
MIL-F-43832 - Field Pack, Combat, Nylon, Large, Lc-1
This document covers one type large size combat field pack fabricated from olive green nylon duck, webbings, tape, coated cloth and metallic hardware (see 6.1).
MIL-F-43833 - Field Pack, Combat, Nylon,, Medium, Lc-2
This specification covers one type of medium size combat field pack fabricated from nylon duck.
MIL-F-43834 - Frame, Field Pack, (Riveted), And Shelf, Cargo Support (Lightweight), Lc-1
This specification covers a lightweight aluminum pack frame and a detachable aluminum cargo support shelf (see 6.1).
MIL-F-43997 - Field Pack, Training
This document covers one type and size training field pack.
MIL-F-44324 - Field Pack, Large, With Internal Frame: And, Pack, Patrol, Combat
This document covers one type (item 1) large field pack fabricated from woodland camouflage nylon duck, webbings, tape, coated cloth and supported by an internal frame. This document also covers one type (item 2) combat patrol pack also fabricated from woodland camouflage nylon duck, webbing, tape and coated cloth (see 6.1).
MIL-F-44324 - Field Pack, Large, With Internal Frame: And, Pack, Patrol, Combat
MIL-F-82101 - Field Pack, Canvas, Combat (M-1941 Usmc) (S/S By Mil-F-43833)
MIL-F-82102 - Field Pack, Canvas, Sargo (M-1941 Usmc) (Use Mil-F-43833)
MIL-G-0043914 - Goggles, Sun, Wind And Dusk: 1974
MIL-G-20055 - Goggles, Swim, Submarine Escape
MIL-G-22112 - Glass, Dark Adaptation
This specification covers the requirements for one type of plastic glasses for dark adaptation purposes.
MIL-G-252 - Goggles, Variable-Density (For Lookouts)
MIL-G-26071 - Goggles, Sun. Global Survival, Type Ma-1
MIL-G-4085 - Goggle, Dark Adaptation
MIL-G-43914 - Goggles, Sun, Wind And Dust, 1974
This document covers two types of goggles for wear with and without glasses.
MIL-G-5713 - Goggles, Parachutist S
MIL-G-6250 - Glasses, Sun
MIL-G-635 - Goggles, Sun, Wind And Dust
This specification covers one type of rubber frame goggles with plastic lens inserts.
MIL-H-13102 - Holder, Cartridge, Belt, Cal .38, Leather, Black, 6 Round (S/S By A-A-55193)
The document covers the requirements for a 6-round, leather, cartridge holder of one type and size (see 6.1).
MIL-H-1521 - Snowshoes, Bearpaw, And Bindings (Use Mil-S-43272)
MIL-H-20050 - Handcuffs And Leg Irons (S/S By A-A-52113)
MIL-H-21155 - Hardware: For Belt, Military Police
This specification covers requirements for one type highly-polished brass buckle, keeper, slide, and snap fasteners.
MIL-H-3697 - Harness Man'S Sled, Single Trace Type
This document covers one type of single trace, man harness, fabricated of natural color cotton webbing. This harness is supported on the man by means of an adjustable strap which passes over the shoulders and around the neck.
MIL-H-43132 - Hammock, Jungle, M-1965 (S/S By A-A-55282)
MIL-H-43595 - Hammock, Jungle, Nylon, M-1966
This document covers one type and size of jungle hammock.
MIL-H-43879 - Hood, Sleeping Bag
This specification covers one type and size of hood for use in a sleeping bag.
MIL-H-44308 - Hood And Socks, Extreme Cold Weather Sleeping System (Ecwss)
This specification covers a polyester fiberpile hood and a pair of polyester fiberpile socks.
MIL-I-19878 - Insignia, Branch Of Service: Metal; Hospital Corpsman And Dental Technician
This specification covers requirements for distinctive metal insignia.
MIL-K-1838 - Kit, Repair, Goggles Variable-Density
MIL-L-10028 - Lanyard, Individual Equipment Carrying (S/S By A-A-55120)
This document covers one type and size of pistol lanyard.
MIL-L-15300 - Lanyard, Pistol And Whistle, Rayon And Cotton Cord, Scarlet And Gold (S/S By A-A-55064)
MIL-L-43720 - Liner, Field Pack
This document covers three sizes of waterproof field pack liners.
MIL-L-5669 - Lenses, Goggle, Flying
MIL-M-10747 - Mattress, Pneumatic (S/S By Mil-M-43968)
MIL-M-1263 - Megaphone, Hand
MIL-M-14545 - Maintenance Kit, Cold Weather, Insulated Boot-Pneumatic Mattress
This specification covers a maintenance kit containing a rubber patch, adhesive, and abrasive for the emergency field repair of cold weather boots and pneumatic mattresses (see 6.1).
MIL-M-1514 - Marker, Trail, Wood
MIL-M-43757 - Modification Kit, Packboard, Radio Carrying
MIL-M-43968 - Mattress, Pneumatic, (Insulated)
This specification covers the requirements for one type of pneumatic mattress in one size and two classes.
MIL-M-44104 - Mat, Sleeping
This document covers a sleeping mat.
MIL-N-3019 - Necklace, Personnel, Identification Tag (S/S By A-A-55245)
MIL-N-43181 - Net, Multipurpose (S/S By A-A-59356)
This document covers one type of multipurpose net.
MIL-P-10018 - Pail, Collapsible, 10 Quart Capacity
This document covers a collapsible pail fabricated from a rubber coated cotton drill fabric and supported by a metal frame.
MIL-P-10906 - Pail, Cotton Duck, Collapsible, 18&Quart Capacity
MIL-P-10941 - Packboard, Plywood
This specification covers one size of plywood packboard.
MIL-P-1474 - Piton, Mountain (S/S By A-A-50111, A-A-50112, A-A-50113 Or A-A-50114)
MIL-P-1487 - Poles, Ski
MIL-P-1671 - Pocket, Magazine, Carbine, 30-Round
MIL-P-1691 - Pocket, Ammunition Magazine, 2 Clips, .45 Cal. Automatic Pistol, Leather (S/S By A-A-55287)
MIL-P-17863 - Pocket, Ammunition Magazine: Military Police
This specification covers requirements for one type and size two-compartment ammunition magazine pocket made of white cotton duck.
MIL-P-18064 - Pocket, Ammunition Magazine, Double, Web (Use Mil-P-2343)
MIL-P-1814 - Pad, Shoulder, Packboard
This specification covers one type and size shoulder pad made of cotton drill, webbing, and wool felt. The pad is equipped with shoulder strap loops.
MIL-P-18299 - Pocket, Ammunition Magazine, Smg M3
MIL-P-20535 - Pack, U.S. Marine Corps, M-1941
MIL-P-21593 - Panel Markers: Range, Flank, And Debarkation Point; Nylon, Fluorescent
This specification covers the requirements for range, flank and debarkation point panel markers.
MIL-P-21843 - Protector, Trousers, Pistol Holster
MIL-P-22295 - Protector, Trousers, Pistol Holster (S/S By A-A-55194)
MIL-P-2276 - Pack, Carrying, For Radio Outfit (Army)
MIL-P-2343 - Pocket, Ammunition Magazine, Enlisted Men'S, M-1923 (S/S By A-A-55227)
MIL-P-2652 - Pack, Canvas, Complete With Inserts
MIL-P-41806 - Pole, Ski, Steel Shaft, Nonadjustable
This document covers one type of nonadjustable steel ski pole.
MIL-P-41807 - Packboard, Hardwood, With Canvas Sack
MIL-P-43304 - Pack And Harness Assembly, Parachutists Weapons And Individual Equipment
This specification covers one type of parachutist's weapons and individual equipment pack and harness assembly.
MIL-P-43312 - Pocket, Ammunition Magazine (S/S By A-A-55084)
MIL-P-43740 - Personnel Identification Band Kit With Components And Case
This specification covers one type and size of personnel identification band kit with components and case.
MIL-P-43747 - Plate, Packboard; And Shelves, Cargo Support, Rucksack Frame (S/S By Mil-F-43834)
MIL-P-43756 - Packboard, Metal
MIL-P-44153 - Pocket, Ammunition Magazine, 9 Mm
This document covers one type and size of ammunition pocket, fabricated from olive nylon duck, webbing and tape, with miscellaneous hardware.
MIL-P-44198 - Pocket, Ammunition Magazine, 9 Mm (Two Clip)
MIL-P-44407 - Packets For Vest, Aircrew, Survival
This specification covers packets which will be included in the survival vest worn by aircrew personnel. The packets are part of an aircrew survival system. This is a special purpose Life Support Clothing and Equipment (LSC&E) item. All Government administrative and surveillance procedures applicable to LSC&E items shall be invoked in accordance with the contract or purchase order (see 6.2).
MIL-P-44412 - Pack, Parachutist'S, Stinger Missile
MIL-P-82106 - Pocket, Ammunition Magazine, For M-14 Rifle, M-1961
MIL-PRF-29580 - Spectacles, Aviator'S, Multiple Wavelength Laser Protective, Edu-5/P (With Case)
This specification addresses the requirements for rotary and fixed wing aviator's spectacles with carrying case, designated EDU-5/P, which provide protection against multiple fixed laser wavelengths.
MIL-R-12890 - Repair Kit, Ski
MIL-R-1619 - Rucksack-M-1952 (Use Mil-R-43373)
MIL-R-43125 - Rescue Set, Avalanche
MIL-R-43207 - Repair Kit, Ski, Military, All Terrain
MIL-R-43323 - Rifle Butt Pocket And Strap Assembly
This document covers one type of rifle butt pocket with strap.
MIL-R-43373 - Rucksack, Lightweight
MIL-R-43574 - Rucksack, Tropical
MIL-R-44085 - Repair Kit, Ski Military, All Terrain
This document covers one type of repair kit for skis.
MIL-S-10055 - Strap, Packboard: Quick Release
MIL-S-1478 - Snaplink, Mountain, Piton (S/S By A-A-50041)
MIL-S-1582 - Straps, Ski, Safety
MIL-S-1675 - Straps, Spur, M-1926, And Guard, Stirrup
MIL-S-1685 - Sling, Carrying, Machine-Gun And Ammunition
MIL-S-1698 - Sling, Carrying, Bag And Case
This document covers three types of adjustable carrying slings made of webbing with hardware attached.
MIL-S-1750 - Spurs, M-1911 (Pairs)
MIL-S-1779 - Skis
MIL-S-1780 - Snowshoes, Trail And Bindings
MIL-S-1812 - Shelf, Cargo Support, Packboard, Pressed Steel
This specification covers one type and size of pressed steel packboard cargo support shelf (see 6.1).
MIL-S-18188 - Sling, Sword
MIL-S-19206 - Sword And Scabbard (Noncommissioned Officers)
This specification covers requirements for the sword and scabbard worn by noncomissioned officers.
MIL-S-23273 - Suspenders, Field Pack, M-1941 Usmc
MIL-S-2329 - Sheath, Machete (For 18 Inch Long, 2 1/4 Inch Wide Blade) (S/S By A-A-59526)
MIL-S-2329 - Sheath, Machete (For 18 Inch Long, 2-1/4 Inch Wide Blade)
MIL-S-25948 - Sunglasses, Hgu-4/P (With Case)
This document covers the requirements for sunglasses, designated as HGU-4/P (with case).
MIL-S-28992 - Suspenders, Field Pack, Individual Equipment Belt (M-1967 Usmc) (Use Mil-S-43829)
MIL-S-29594 - Spectacles, Aviator'S, Seven Wavelength Laser Eye Protective
This specification covers the requirements for one type of aviator's spectacles, with carrying case, designated EDU-6/P, which provide protection against seven fixed laser wavelengths and have prescription capability (see 6.2d and 6.21).
MIL-S-3638 - Strap, Shoulder, Pack
MIL-S-38430 - Sleeping Bag-Container, Parachute Bailout Sru-15/P
MIL-S-40022 - Shoulder Strap, Side Arm, Military Police, Leather, Black (S/S By A-A-55191)
MIL-S-40151 - Sword, Cadet, Usma, With Scabbard And Cover
MIL-S-40157 - Strap Assembly, Carrying, Sleeping Bag
MIL-S-40160 - Suspenders, Field Pack, Combat, M-1956
MIL-S-43013 - Sling, Universal, Individual Load Carrying
MIL-S-43190 - Ski, Military, All-Terrain
MIL-S-43272 - Snowshoes: Trail, Magnesium (S/S By Mil-S-44377)
This document covers one type and size of magnesium frame trail snowshoe (see 6.1).
MIL-S-43279 - Sling, Bag And Case Carrying, Communications Equipment
This document covers three types of bag and case carrying slings made from olive drab webbing with miscellaneous metallic hardware.
MIL-S-43306 - Sling, Bag And Case Carrying, St-33
MIL-S-43354 - Strap Assembly, Field Pack Adapter
MIL-S-43485 - Sling, Carrying, Bag And Case, 19 3/4 Inches Long
MIL-S-43489 - Sling, Bag And Case Carrying: St-35
This document covers one type of cotton webbing sling with metal hardware components.
MIL-S-43598 - Strap, Webbing, Waist, Rucksack
MIL-S-43659 - Stopper, Inflating Tube, Pneumatic Mattress
This specification covers the requirements for one type of stopper.
MIL-S-43674 - Shower Pail, Collapsible, Cotton Duck, 5-Gallon Capacity (S/S By A-A-55228)
This specification covers a collapsible shower pail.
MIL-S-43730 - Suspenders, Field Pack, Combat, M-1967
MIL-S-43828 - Strap, Webbing, Cargo Tie Down, Lightweight Pack Frame, M-1972
This document covers the requirements for a strap consisting of nylon webbing, a metal fastener and a metal hook.
MIL-S-43828 - Strap, Webbing, Cargo Tie Down, Lightweight Pack Frame, M-1972
MIL-S-43829 - Suspenders, Individual Equipment Belt, Lc-1 (S/S By A-A-55177)
MIL-S-43829 - Suspenders, Individual Equipment Belt, Lc-1 (S/S By A-A-55177)
MIL-S-43835 - Straps, Pack Frame And Field Pack, Ground Troops
This specification covers waist, shoulder, and chest straps for use by ground troops in attaching and adjusting LC-2 pack frames and field packs.
MIL-S-43880 - Sleeping Bag, Extreme Cold Weather (Down And Polyester Batting
This document covers the requirements for one type and size of sleeping bag for extreme cold conditions.
MIL-S-44016 - Sleeping Bag, Intermediate Cold, Synthetic Filled (S/S By A-A-55116)
MIL-S-44025 - Spectacle, Laser Protective (With Case)
This specification covers the requirements for one type of laser protective spectacles.
MIL-S-44095 - Survival Kit, Individual, Vest Type
This specification covers a survival kit consisting of a vest and a number of survival aids.
MIL-S-44220 - Sleeping Bag, Cold Weather Aircraft Survival Kit (Vacuum Packed)
This specification covers a vacuum packed sleeping bag of one type and size for use in survival kits in aircraft operating in cold climates.
MIL-S-44300 - Ski, Military, All Terrain (S/S By A-A-55117)
MIL-S-44309 - Sleeping Bags, For Sleeping Systems
This specification covers sleeping bags for use as part of the extreme and intermediate cold weather sleeping systems.
MIL-S-44429 - Sleeping Bag System, For Intermediate Cold Weather
This specification covers a complete intermediate cold weather, sleeping bag system consisting of intermediate cold weather sleeping bag, waterproof and moisture vapor permeable sleeping bag cover, and a nylon stuff bag to carry the system.
MIL-S-475 - Sunglasses (With Case) (S/S By A-A-52111)
This specification covers the requirements for one type of sunglasses and case.
MIL-S-6556 - Sleeping Bag, Vented Can Packed
MIL-S-82258 - Swim Fins, Rubber
This specification covers the requirements for swim fins made of gum rubber for wear by military personnel for swimming purposes and for general utility.
MIL-S-830 - Sleeping Bag, M-1949
MIL-S-83057 - Sleeping Bags - Containers, Parachute Bailout Sru-23/P And Sru-24/P
MIL-S-85508 - Spectacles, Aviator'S, Neodymium Laser Protective, Edu-1/P (With Case)
This specification covers the requirements for one type of aviator's neodymium laser protective spectacles, with carrying case, designated EDU-1/P.
MIL-S-8642 - Survival Kit, Individual
This specification covers the requirements for two types of survival kits.
MIL-T-1003 - Thongs, Emergency (Use Kk-L-201)
MIL-T-1477 - Tip, Ski, Emergency Repair
MIL-T-842 - Tag, Identification, Personnel (S/S By A-A-55305)
MIL-W-1053 - Whistle, Ball, Plastic (S/S By A-A-55106)
This specification covers plastic ball whistles for use by Military personnel.
MIL-W-21171 - Whistle, Ball, Brass (Use Mil-W-1053)
MS35811 - Individual Equipment (S/S By Mss 8465-1)
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